Thursday, May 8, 2014

Overview of Book Project

The putting together of this book was different from anything that I had ever done before. It was both stressful and rewarding at the same time. The making of the layouts of the book was probably most enjoyable for me. Something that I wish I could have worked on more was many be title page. I felt that it could have been a lot better and flowed with the rest of my book better. As for the book construction and printing it did cause a lot of stress trying to get everyones layout together and printed but in the end it will prepare me better for working in the real world and it is a good lesson. My time in BDS in now over and I get to now move on to classes that are more in my major. I have learned a lot from this class both this semester and last semester. I have learned things about other majors that I never would have known without it. It also pushed me to expand from my comfort zone in ways thatI never thought that I would do. I hope that one days these skills will come in handy at a point where I least expect it.

Here are the final layout pages of my book

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