Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Final Page Layouts

The bar of color and pictures from my initial page layout was something that I continued to use.  I ended using that as my second layout page. I had a bit of trouble with my first page. I could not figure out how to display more of Hoppen's work so that the viewers would be able get up close and actually see it. In order to fix this problem I ended up making the first page layout one big picture with her name displayed and a inspiring quote about her work. Here are the final two page layout designs. The font that I chose  to use in the end was Baskerville. I liked the bolder feel to the words as well as the longer look of the font. It is almost as how I would imagine how to talked. All of my text color is also gray and not black. My whole text fit onto the second page without being overwhelmingly too much and not too small. Overall I am happy with my page layouts.

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