Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Book Title and Publishing Logo

       The title "No Boundaries: Timeless Designs From Across the World" was something that my group came up with. We had a wide range of designers in our group. Charles and Ray Eames are classified as Architects as well as Industrial Designers. Massimo Vignelli is mostly known for being a graphic designer as well as the master mind behind some beautiful type. Kelly Hoppen and Philippe Starck are both interior designers. As for Karim Rashid he is a designer of many different things. All of these designer have a wide variety of design ethics. They also all come from all over the world which was why we choice the name choice that we did.

     The publishing logo name that we chose "BluePrint Publishing" came with the idea that all of our designers have something to do with buildings a some sort of layout. Here is a picture of the logo that I designed.

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