Monday, March 3, 2014

Photography Changes Everything

Photography can have so many different meanings. It can tell so many different stories and symbolize so many different things. It is not just one still picture. It is a moment captured in time that will always be there for one to remember. Taking photographs is like a second nature to people no a days. It is so easy to capture things with our phones so that we can keep a little piece of that moment forever. Photography changes what we want by pictures of things that a person has a desire for. Weather it be beauty, an object, or even happiness. Photography also changes what we see. Photography shows was our human eyes can not see on their own. It also changes who we are in a way. We choose to group ourselves with different ideas and concepts that all go back to other examples or stereotypes that we have seen pictures of. Photography has an influence on what we do and what we plan on doing. When looking at pictures from around the world that influences our choices on where we would like to go or travel to see in the future. Photography also changes what we remember. With the visual aid of photography we are able to see and image and remember it wether it be a memory or a picture of a specific building for a test. With out photography we would be living in a different world. People wouldn’t know what other animals looked like from other countries or even what other countries looked like unless they saw them with their own eyes. Photography really is an amazing creation and we should not take it for granted.  

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