Monday, March 3, 2014

On Photography Summary

Ever since 1939 when the creation of photography was invented the human race has been using it non stop. Photographs surround our world everywhere we go and every time we think. It helps give out information and communicated different things to people everywhere. To photograph something it helps put you into power of capturing an image or a moment in time. You have to be able to give that moment justice and capture it just right so that it can be remembered. It is different then just writing about something because one must be able to imagine and come up with it in their head. By being able to have a picture they have the ability to see what it actually looks like and keep that image in their brain. We take pictures to remember. It could be a memory, a person, or even a feeling that you had at the time. Photography is all about the connections that either the photographer has with the picture or that the viewer gets from the picture. 

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