Monday, March 3, 2014

Overview of Photography Collage Project

Description of Project

The object of this photography collage project was to learn how to convey space and time in a different form. The first thing that we did was research on different artist who collage pictures and all of the different types of way there are to go about your project. Next we came up with four ideas that either showed time, space, or depth of a person or place all with a concept statement for each. After coming up with these four ideas we presented them to the class and came up with four test collages for each. After looking at them another time in class we narrowed it down to the best two ideas and constructed an even bigger test collage. We did a final presentation to our class of our two ideas and picked our final focus for our project. After picking the final collage and going back again to take around seventy-five more pictures we then and printed them out. By making a test collage in photoshop with the seventy-five photographs I was then able to figure out what pictures I needed and where they would be placed in the collage. The next step was to mount them on a foam core board to be able to present with our final concept statement. 


      This project was a lot harder for me to grasp then I originally thought. Trying to figure out how to capture something or someone that is moving and then try and put the pictures together to show this movement was very challenging. I realized that my brain has a hard time trying to grasp that concept of taking pictures and putting them together with a large number of pictures. Something else that I learned from this project was that coming up with good concept statements and ideas are a lot harder then you think. I learned that I need to start off with one idea and keep expanding on it to make it better and not all at the end. Overall this was a very challenging project but I have taken away very positive outcomes and lessons from it.
     First we picked four concept ideas for the photography collage. After taking a few pictures of the site and writing a concept statement to go with each one we presented it to the class. Next we took our feedback and made small initial collages for the four concept ideas or your new ideas. After talking about them in class we narrowed down our ideas to two concepts. With these two concepts we made even bigger collages and brought them into class to critique and pick our final concept idea. Once the final idea was chosen I went back to take more pictures to use and make a collage in Photoshop which I then got all of the pictures printed. After setting up the pictures on a black foam core board I then mounted them to it to get the finished product.

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