Monday, March 3, 2014

Errol Morris Video Summary

Photographs are connected to the physical world. It is a true investigation into the world in which the photograph was taken. "Vally of the shadow of death”- barren landscape covered with cannon balls. You don’t know which one came before the other, the cannon balls or the trench. Did he pose the pictures.? What makes an honest and truthful photograph? They shouldn’t be posed and only observe from a distance… They are neither true no false. The pictures are vested in language. They are all somewhat posed in some way. You can never see the absence of something in the photograph. You don’t see everything around it just the picture no the before or after or even what is right or left. You have to investigate to find out. if you want to understand you have to look at little details to find the larger questions. They become iconic bc they have a power over us and a power that takes us in. They have taken on meaning to people. I completely agree on the statement that pictures take on different meaning to different people. I personally have a stronger connection to some pictures more then others. As for the statement that everything is posed I do agree with that because a person looks at the view of the shot that they are taking and finds the best angle which is the same thing as posing a shot. 

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