Sunday, December 15, 2013

Upside Down Chrysanthemum

        The inspiration for this project came from looking at a flower. The Chrysanthemum is one of my favorite flowers because of a book about a mouse with that name when that I used to read when I was younger. The reason that I felt so connected to the book was because the little mouse had such a long name and so did I. When looking at a chrysanthemum you see that it has many peddles. I wanted the fullness of the flower to help come across in my lantern design which was why I decided to layer the paper over one another. The top part of the lantern has the thicker paper crisscrossed over one another because it is suppose to help the lantern come across as a flower with that part be where the peddles meet the stem. To hold up the lantern I braided paper and cut a hole through the bottom of the lantern to attach it and have it go all the way through. The reason I did this was because it needed a more stable structure to hold the lantern up due to the weight of the christmas lights. 

  Lit Up and Non-Lit Up Views


Putting the Christmas Lights In

           I very much enjoyed this project and would say that it have been my favorite throughout the whole semester. It really challenged me which thinking of new ways to manipulate light and construct paper. There was a lot of craftsmanship and many hours put into this lantern. I am very pleased with the end result. One thing that I would change if I could go back would be possibly taking out the christmas lights and putting in just a regular light bulb to help make the glow a bit stronger. The problem with the lantern the way it is now is that it is more of a nightlight then an actual lamp or lantern due to the dim light because of all the layers of paper. I do have to admit that when in the dark by it's self the lantern does look a lot better and I am a bit upset that that couldn't have been seen during my critique due to all of the other lanterns being on as well.     

Monday, November 11, 2013

  1. 1.
    an act of giving one thing and receiving another (esp. of the same type or value) in return.
    "negotiations should eventually lead to an exchange of land for peace"
    synonyms:interchangetradetrading, swapping, traffic, trafficking 
  1. 1.
    give something and receive something of the same kind in return.
    "we exchanged addresses"

    The word my group picked was exchange. We had to make 3D models of the word and then place them in a location that would explain them. We decided to use the word exchange as if you were exchanging mail around the world and have had a packed that has been passed around from many places. We wanted our letter to look like package that have been through a lot and have been thrown and weathered. 

    Here are some pictures from our process:

    Our Word Map

    Work in progress

    Late night at the Studio

    Cutting out the letters….

    Putting the letters together

    Almost done...

    Second late night at the studio...

    Location and Final product

    We did have a few people come up to us and say that they thought our postage letters were very cool and a great idea. Most people just observed and watched from a distance. Even though our critique was a little rough my group and I were happy with our project and we put a lot of work into it. 

Reading 2

Steve Edwards"Instrumental forms and mass practices of photo"        At first I found this very hard to read. Mainly this is because I enjoy having the real book in my hand to follow along with verse trying to read in scanned pages. Even though I had a hard time focusing on the writing I very much enjoy learning the history and backstory of photography. I also found it interesting who they talk about the controversy of photography not being real art. TodayI feel like this issue has been resolved a little bit more so then at the time when they are talking about in the reading. 1857 Lady Elizabeth Eastlake says that photography was "beneath the doing of real artists" and it is said that photography is just capturing an exact image of something. I do agree that photography captures an exact image of something but I believe that it takes lot of work to capture such an image and that the process of developing and how one works through the process makes it art. Even today we seem to have the same controversy with people asking what art really is and if this splatter paint canvas can really be seen as great art if others could do it also. With situations like these it always seems right to believe that everything is art. Everything around us weather it is captured by a camera, sketched, or even painted it is some form of art that should be appreciated.      When talking about objectivity in the reading it really makes you think "Where would we be without pictures?". So much information and knowledge really does come form it and helps capture something that is then remembered and passed on through history. Documenting huge moments in history, famous sights, famous people, special memories and even animals helps a person know what they are seeing and learn about different things not only from different time periods but from different places in the world.  Without  photography a huge chunk of our knowledge and our history would be missing and not let humans technologically advance.   

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel

Prezi Presentation:

Above is a presentation and some basic information on the like of Coco Chanel. After her mother died when she was 12 her father sent her away because of this Chanel was taught by Nuns to sew which in the future would help lead her to her design career. Before Chanel became a timeless fashion designer she was first aspiring to become a singer. This is where her nickname "Coco" came from. It is said that she acquired it from one of the songs that she sang when preforming. At first Chanel only sold hats in her first shop but then when walking around in a dress that was self made someone asked if she could make one for them also and that is where the start of her career took off. To me Coco Chanel is avery inspirational person and has some of the best quotes that I have ever read. I am happy that I chose her for this project but at the same time I wish I would have gone out of my comfort zone and picked someone I knew nothing about. 

Parts of A Letter

Type evolved from handwriting which is created by making a series of marks by the hand. All of these simple marks are distinctively  different from one another to tell them apart. In typography they have many different technical terms like a serif and a bracket that help characterize each font from one another.The stroke width also comes affects what the font looks like. There are so many different fonts and characteristics of each of these fonts. Even if it is just the tiniest sari or line width. There are also different sets of curves and rounded edges. A example would be a capitol R and all the different ways the leg of the R can change. They have Old style, traditional, modern, slab serif, and sans serif. These are all different curves of different fonts and the style approaches that they take. There are also many technical terms for the different aspects of a letter like the cross bar of a uppercase A or an ascender of a lowercase d. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

What is Language?

bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.
"the dome was supported by a hundred white columns" 

2. give assistance to, esp. financially; enable to function or act.
"the government gives $2.5 billion a year to support the activities of the voluntary sector"

  1. 1.
    a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.
    "the best support for a camera is a tripod" 
      2. material assistance.
     "he urged that military support be sent to protect humanitarian convoys"

The reason that I picked this word was because it has many different meanings and verbally and visually. It can mean many different things to many different people and even translate differently in other languages. Support just seemed like a good word to choose because everyone and everything needs some type of support weather it be a person or a pole. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Make It Better

What we were asked to do for the make a better design project?

      For this project we were asked to find poorly designed objects that were five dollars or less and bring them into class. In our groups we then had to pick which poorly designed object that we wanted to redesign and make better. As a team we had to brainstorm and bounce ideas off of each other so that we could come up with a whole new idea. We asked questions like what makes it a bad design, who is the ultimate consumer, what are the good aspects of the object, what aspects can we improve on, and does this object follow all 10 rules of good design. After we sketched out some initial ideas we kept expanding on them and finally came up with final design. Next we were asked to make 2 prototypes of the object, one initial and one final. Finally we had to present a pitch to our audience for our object and include all of our steps and a final poster.

Reflection of Objectified

       This movie was very interesting because you learned the perspectives of different designers and what they really believed what good design was and what designs they made. I really liked the point that they made in the beginning saying that everything in the world had been designed in someway one way or another. When thinking about it, it is true. Everything from the shoes on your feet to your toothbrush has been thought about and analyzed to improve it in some way. One of the examples of a good design that was shown in the begging of the movie was a toothpick. At first sight what you see is what you get. Then you notice the little ridges at the top and part of the ridge allows you to snap the end of toothpick off and it is then used as a little holder for the used toothpick. This comes from Japanese culture because once a toothpick is used it is not proper to leave it on a table unless it is propped upon something. This design aspect is not only resourceful but shows that the Japanese culture was kept in mind while designing it. When designing something big questions to keep in mind are thing like “What do people need?”. After you figure this question out then you go to the next step. “Who are the extreme users that need aid in using this product?” By asking this question you are improving daily life without people even realizing it. A study shows that humans react positively when things are clean and simple verse complicated and messy. A good example of this is the company Apple. Their logo is very clean cut and simple as with all of their products. This makes it very visually appealing to the consumer and easy to understand. You also have a very clear sense of the people who made and designed the products. In the world today other designs have been becoming intangible and their form has nothing to do with their function. This has been challenging the good designers to keep their ideas formal and keep it towards the technological side. In essence we have learned that design is the search for the perfect form. What types of things make people feel safe and happy? What will stand the test of time? And what is not necessary? These are all questions that a designer must as­­k himself or herself during the brainstorming process. Your design should be making a statement about your self to yourself and no one else. It should be different from everyone else’s and should have meaning to you. At the end of the day you have to sit down and ask yourself what has value to you?

Reflection of the IDEO Movie

       I had actually all ready seen the IDEO video before in a class that I took in high school. The project that I was assigned in high school was to make an object out of cardboard. This is very similar to the project that we were assigned for this class. The purpose for watching the IDEO video was that so we could see how they work in teams and how the group dynamic functions. Some of the big rules that they have at IDEO is to never shoot down anyone else ideas because better ideas come from ones that are crazy and out there. Another rule that they had was to always let the other person finish their thought first and do not interrupt them in the middle of it. At IDEO staying focused on the topic was one way that they worked as fast as they did. After going through the initial parts of the process the group tried to stay toward making something that was both realistic and build able even though some of the other ideas where very interesting. A good technique that they used in their teamwork was taking the good aspects from every teammate’s prototypes and putting it all in one. Something that I found very interesting that they do at the company was how they encourage creativity and things that are different even if they are a little out there.

Reflection on the Writer's Toolbox

         The writer's toolbox helps you work through the process of a visual project and serves as a reflective tool for the completed project. I learned that a private act that can lead to more public expression so talk to your group and let yourself be heard. Writer's toolbox helps you find approaches to generate ideas, support process, and reflect on finished work. you learn different styles of thinking and learning. By using a mind map this can help you have visual forms of ideas. There are some basic rules when sharing ideas in the group. One of the most important would be let the speaker finish talking about their idea before you say something. When writing things down while brainstorming use colored images and dimensions. This will help you work out the process in your head and will also contribute to all of the work that has to be organized and managed nicely. Try being quick and spontaneous when you're in your brainstorming secessions. Ask questions like "Are there any patterns or relationships?" or "Does anything need to be remapped?". You can also use ideas like a concept map to organize what goes on during your brainstorming and connect the different relationships and investigate the meanings.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Think & Make Homework

   Don Norman's video was very entertaining in the way that he talked and how he explained things. his main points were that the best designs are neat and fun but also beautiful and functional. Basically, if you are happy and keep an open mind about your design it will most likely do well because you will be more determined to find an answer. I found this very inspiring took it as good advice not only as a designer but as an outlook on life as a person. 
    In the PDF reading there was a lot of information to take in and process. Something that I took away from the reading was that design is now directed largely to superficial ends and that they are most significant to human activities. Design can really be anything around you it is found in all different shapes and forms. Design isa mix of creativity and analytical reasoning. A good way to look at design is fining possible solutions to a problem that needs improvement. What I learned about the business design world was that you always work in teams because that is when you get your best feedback and ideas. it becomes a social process that needs you to become a skilled negotiator when working with a group of people.  
    There is no one-way to define design or what makes a design good or not. The ten principals consist of very useful but simplistic guidelines that aid a designer during their design process. All of the principals would be good to follow in any form of design work weather it be graphic or industrial. I broke the 10 important principles down so that I could better understand them. 
   Personally I thought that the Design Q & A video was very strange and I’m not totally sure if I even understood what they were saying throughout it. What I did take from the video was that design is an expression of purposes and that they are the solutions to problems. Another thing that I thought was interesting what that your design is not necessarily considered individual to you but that those before you influence you. One last thing that I learned was that constraints on your design make your ethics. 

Who is Elle Javier? Since this is my first time ever writing on a blog I'm not totally sure what to say but I guess I will start off with a little about myself. My full name is Gabrielle Marie Javier but as of recently I've been going by Elle. Why Elle? Well as you can see it's the last four letters in my name and it was something that my mom came up with when I was little. She wanted me to go by "Ellie" but I guess she never really got use to calling me that because she only calls me by my full name to this day. It's funny because when she talks about me to other people who know me was "Elle" and not "Gabrielle" they get pretty confused. The big reason I started to go by Elle was not only did my best friend from high school go by the nickname Gabby but also because Gabby really doesn't fit who I am. The definition of "gabby" in the dictionary is very talkative person, which I am not. Don't get me wrong I love talking but being a "gabby" sounds like they would be kind of annoying. No offense to anyone who goes by that name of course but that just my personal opinion. Elle is just simpler. It's short and sweet just like me! I, Elle Javier, am from a town right outside of Chicago called Lake Forest. It's right on Lake Michigan and is one of the prettiest towns I've ever seen on the North Shore. It is big enough not to know everyone since it is considered a city but still small enough to know where everything is. 

Lake Forest High School was not just some other building that looked like a prison from the outside. It is a beautiful building that was meant to "blend in" with the homes around it. In reality I think that the architect just wanted to make an impressive looking school for this town and really liked mansions because this is what it looks like………..

As you can see it is not an average looking high school but it's my high school and we love it. Here in this high school was where I learned that I was actually a creative person and this was the place that I took my first graphic design class with the world's best art teacher. After taking 4 semesters of graphic design I knew that I was just in love with it and wanted to pursue it as a career and continue to learn more about it as a major in college. As of right now in college with surviving the first week just a little bit exhausted and tons of homework, I have found out that this year is going to be a challenge. I am not the strongest at drawing which is what Freshmen year is all about but I have come to terms with it quickly and have accepted the challenge with everything I have. I know that this year will be on the struggle bus side of that is okay because if you are not challenged what's the point? With a brave face and an optimistic attitude is how I am going into this and that is how I will leave at the end of the year. Wish me luck!   -Elle