Monday, November 11, 2013

  1. 1.
    an act of giving one thing and receiving another (esp. of the same type or value) in return.
    "negotiations should eventually lead to an exchange of land for peace"
    synonyms:interchangetradetrading, swapping, traffic, trafficking 
  1. 1.
    give something and receive something of the same kind in return.
    "we exchanged addresses"

    The word my group picked was exchange. We had to make 3D models of the word and then place them in a location that would explain them. We decided to use the word exchange as if you were exchanging mail around the world and have had a packed that has been passed around from many places. We wanted our letter to look like package that have been through a lot and have been thrown and weathered. 

    Here are some pictures from our process:

    Our Word Map

    Work in progress

    Late night at the Studio

    Cutting out the letters….

    Putting the letters together

    Almost done...

    Second late night at the studio...

    Location and Final product

    We did have a few people come up to us and say that they thought our postage letters were very cool and a great idea. Most people just observed and watched from a distance. Even though our critique was a little rough my group and I were happy with our project and we put a lot of work into it. 

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