Monday, October 21, 2013

What is Language?

bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.
"the dome was supported by a hundred white columns" 

2. give assistance to, esp. financially; enable to function or act.
"the government gives $2.5 billion a year to support the activities of the voluntary sector"

  1. 1.
    a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.
    "the best support for a camera is a tripod" 
      2. material assistance.
     "he urged that military support be sent to protect humanitarian convoys"

The reason that I picked this word was because it has many different meanings and verbally and visually. It can mean many different things to many different people and even translate differently in other languages. Support just seemed like a good word to choose because everyone and everything needs some type of support weather it be a person or a pole. 

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