Saturday, April 5, 2014

Nature and Design of Aestheticsby David Pye

        The economy has been a major influence on the designs that people make now a days that when someone says “better” they mean “cheaper” in price. All materials have different characteristics like the hardness, how flexible they are, and even the size and shape. When we work with them we are altering these characteristics and using them to our advantage. There are also many ways to manipulate the characteristics of the materials like carving, heating, or polishing. Even though we can work with these materials and manipulate their characteristics it is only to an extent. One can only bend a piece of wood so far until it breaks just like how metal can not go back to the way it was before after it rusts. When working with trying to cut straight pieces of wood a jig should be used. This article is very right when they say that people often try to go for the easier and cheaper prices. Now a days when something is both cheaper material and good quality we often go straight toward. We often regard it as the best option because of the economy problems. When working with wood it is not as expensive and it can be made into almost anything that you can imagine. The way that wood can be manipulated can often be mind blowing even though it does have it’s limitations. Personally “better” and “cheaper” can work hand in hand but it has to be the right material and the right design. 

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