Tuesday, April 1, 2014

First Time Cutting

When I first heard about this project I was a little bit nervous. Cutting wood with big machines was not something that I had done before. The first time I cut with the bandsaw I thought I was going to cut off my finger. Thankfully I did not and I also was able to learn how to control the wood to cut how I wanted. The first time we cut I learned that unless you have a barrier to cut against it is very hard to cut a straight line on your own. I also learned that cutting in a complete circle is also a very hard thing to do in just one cut. This made me realize that I would have to better plan out on how to cut my box.

Here is the scrap wood that I cut for the first time using a Bandsaw.

This was the piece of practice wood we were given to learn how to make and cut out our box. 

These were the different practice circles that I tried cutting out with the bandsaw. As you can see I learned that it was harder to cut in a full circle. I learned that it all depends on which size bandsaw blade you were using and how big the piece of wood was. 

Here were the first two ideas that I came up with. The top was going to pull off with the inside not completely hollow so that the necklace would be able to sit in the middle of it. After I cut these I realized that I wanted my dimensions very different from the test models.

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