Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ethnography Design Summary

It is said that great design always has a connection with people. In order to be a designer one must understand people, they way they work, and the way they think. The design of a product must have a relationship and a meaning for all. Something from this reading that I really liked was when they say that ethnography is  research based in observing people in a natural environment. Not everything should be so plane and boring. People have better reactions to things that they enjoy and are visually appealing. Design should be compelling to people especially ethnography design. Sometimes things tend to be very complex and confusing. Ethnography is there to help lessen the complexity of people and culture and is used as an aid to it all. Ethnography allows people to discover meanings and have an understanding of our world. Ethnography shows how cultural norms shape peoples thoughts and ideas. It also helps make all communication powerful and understandable in a non threatening way that is clear.  It helps show the difference of the actions people take verse what they actually end up doing. Ethnography shows people where the problems are and how to accomplish them. This ethnography reading’s steps are pretty much the same as the firsts. First define the problem, find the people, plan an approach, collect the data, analyze the data and interpret opportunities, and finally share insights. This reading taught me that ethnography is pretty much just like being a scientist. You have to find the problem, observe and collect data, and then come up with a solution. Ethnography is like the scientist of designers. They are not very different from on another but at the same time they are both creating different things. 

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