Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Architectural Wayfinding Design

      The full definition of Architectural Wayfinding Design "is that it addresses the built components of way finding design, including space planning, articulation of form-giving features and building identity, circulation systems, and environmental communication.” This type of way finding design is important to inclusive design because it is to help aid the user access and increase the their satisfaction of using the way finding elements. This also helps the pedestrians confusion on where they are or where they are going. It is believed by many designers that way finding is not a very big priority verse other design challenges. Jerry Weisman believes that the “legibility” of the environment and the wayfinding aspects have a lot of emotional effects on the people viewing it. 
     Legibility of the signs are another big factor into wayfinding and it’s environment. These are three objectives that are always used: it needs clear articulation and coherent grouping of interior and exterior spaces, legible circulation system designs, and integrating communication systems. This type of wayfinding design focuses on building forms and urban settings due to the fact that outside way finding strategies incorporated with nature and very different. Outside settings are a bit harder to control because a pedestrian is unsure of the space that it is contained in unlike a building with separate floors and levels. One of the most important thing for an outdoor space to have is to have an established boundary for it. 
     Different types of buildings or outdoor spaces have different types of way finding problems that need to be tackled and focused on. Wayfinding is often not given much thought by some architects which causes a problem then for pedestrians and others for designing the interior of the building. When these things get pushed aside it that is how we end up with small unnoticeable signs that often even confuse people more. 
     Eventhough way finding is such an important aspect for a person to use to help navigate around a space there are no standards on wayfinding or way finding design. Yes there are building codes that state it have to show stairs signs, bathroom signs, and exit signs but no one ever said it had to look pretty.  

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