Monday, February 17, 2014

Primarily Concept Statements

Bridge on Potter Lake

Bridges can represent many things; the start of a journey,  overcoming an obstacle, and even two sides bring brought together as one. With the use of the sun and taking pictures of Potter Lake with different shadows it will help show the use and passing of time. 

Bell Tower

The Bell Tower is a very iconic symbol for KU. From any angle a person is able to feel the majestic feel coming off of it and the timelessness of the structure. By using pictures taken at different times of the day it will make the bell tower have an effect of movement and time.

The Grove

One thing that our campus is known for is how beautiful it is. Between the hills and the trees there is nothing else that you can really ask for. The Grove is a great place to show off how beautiful it is and demonstrate the space that it has. 

Allen Field House

Basketball, basketball, and more basketball that is all what The University of Kansas is known for so why not take pictures of one of the craziest courts out there. By taking pictures of Allen Field House from many different angles it will help show off the space of the building. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ethnography Design Summary

It is said that great design always has a connection with people. In order to be a designer one must understand people, they way they work, and the way they think. The design of a product must have a relationship and a meaning for all. Something from this reading that I really liked was when they say that ethnography is  research based in observing people in a natural environment. Not everything should be so plane and boring. People have better reactions to things that they enjoy and are visually appealing. Design should be compelling to people especially ethnography design. Sometimes things tend to be very complex and confusing. Ethnography is there to help lessen the complexity of people and culture and is used as an aid to it all. Ethnography allows people to discover meanings and have an understanding of our world. Ethnography shows how cultural norms shape peoples thoughts and ideas. It also helps make all communication powerful and understandable in a non threatening way that is clear.  It helps show the difference of the actions people take verse what they actually end up doing. Ethnography shows people where the problems are and how to accomplish them. This ethnography reading’s steps are pretty much the same as the firsts. First define the problem, find the people, plan an approach, collect the data, analyze the data and interpret opportunities, and finally share insights. This reading taught me that ethnography is pretty much just like being a scientist. You have to find the problem, observe and collect data, and then come up with a solution. Ethnography is like the scientist of designers. They are not very different from on another but at the same time they are both creating different things. 


The graphic wayfinding that we usually see are things that consist of text, pictograms, maps, photographers, models, and diagrams. When working with graphic wayfinding all text must be consistent so that it can be readable. It must also be very legible and not too complex to understand in a hurry. Use pictures when ever you can instead of text. Use understandable colors that are no too flashy or too harsh on the eyes. Make sure there is no glare on the signage when trying to read it. The orientation of the wayfinding design is also very important. It should correspond with the direction and setting of the people. Add key landmarks to help people identify where they are. Don’t forget to add labels to help with direction and destination. Make sure that all signs and maps are tilted in the right way s that people will be able to easily see them. When working withDirectional information make sure that again the text size is all the same and legible. Always do lighter letters on a darker background to help read and look better. Make sure you have a constant style throughout the who wayfinding design system. When working with destination information it usually has to deal with building signs, floor numbers, and room identifiers. For these types of signs make sure you have a clear numbering system,, make the room numbers known and easy to find, and don’t forget to make signs for things like bathrooms. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Wayfinding Design

Basement Level of Budig Hall
Finished Wayfinding Design Project

Architectural Wayfinding Design

      The full definition of Architectural Wayfinding Design "is that it addresses the built components of way finding design, including space planning, articulation of form-giving features and building identity, circulation systems, and environmental communication.” This type of way finding design is important to inclusive design because it is to help aid the user access and increase the their satisfaction of using the way finding elements. This also helps the pedestrians confusion on where they are or where they are going. It is believed by many designers that way finding is not a very big priority verse other design challenges. Jerry Weisman believes that the “legibility” of the environment and the wayfinding aspects have a lot of emotional effects on the people viewing it. 
     Legibility of the signs are another big factor into wayfinding and it’s environment. These are three objectives that are always used: it needs clear articulation and coherent grouping of interior and exterior spaces, legible circulation system designs, and integrating communication systems. This type of wayfinding design focuses on building forms and urban settings due to the fact that outside way finding strategies incorporated with nature and very different. Outside settings are a bit harder to control because a pedestrian is unsure of the space that it is contained in unlike a building with separate floors and levels. One of the most important thing for an outdoor space to have is to have an established boundary for it. 
     Different types of buildings or outdoor spaces have different types of way finding problems that need to be tackled and focused on. Wayfinding is often not given much thought by some architects which causes a problem then for pedestrians and others for designing the interior of the building. When these things get pushed aside it that is how we end up with small unnoticeable signs that often even confuse people more. 
     Eventhough way finding is such an important aspect for a person to use to help navigate around a space there are no standards on wayfinding or way finding design. Yes there are building codes that state it have to show stairs signs, bathroom signs, and exit signs but no one ever said it had to look pretty.