Monday, November 11, 2013

  1. 1.
    an act of giving one thing and receiving another (esp. of the same type or value) in return.
    "negotiations should eventually lead to an exchange of land for peace"
    synonyms:interchangetradetrading, swapping, traffic, trafficking 
  1. 1.
    give something and receive something of the same kind in return.
    "we exchanged addresses"

    The word my group picked was exchange. We had to make 3D models of the word and then place them in a location that would explain them. We decided to use the word exchange as if you were exchanging mail around the world and have had a packed that has been passed around from many places. We wanted our letter to look like package that have been through a lot and have been thrown and weathered. 

    Here are some pictures from our process:

    Our Word Map

    Work in progress

    Late night at the Studio

    Cutting out the letters….

    Putting the letters together

    Almost done...

    Second late night at the studio...

    Location and Final product

    We did have a few people come up to us and say that they thought our postage letters were very cool and a great idea. Most people just observed and watched from a distance. Even though our critique was a little rough my group and I were happy with our project and we put a lot of work into it. 

Reading 2

Steve Edwards"Instrumental forms and mass practices of photo"        At first I found this very hard to read. Mainly this is because I enjoy having the real book in my hand to follow along with verse trying to read in scanned pages. Even though I had a hard time focusing on the writing I very much enjoy learning the history and backstory of photography. I also found it interesting who they talk about the controversy of photography not being real art. TodayI feel like this issue has been resolved a little bit more so then at the time when they are talking about in the reading. 1857 Lady Elizabeth Eastlake says that photography was "beneath the doing of real artists" and it is said that photography is just capturing an exact image of something. I do agree that photography captures an exact image of something but I believe that it takes lot of work to capture such an image and that the process of developing and how one works through the process makes it art. Even today we seem to have the same controversy with people asking what art really is and if this splatter paint canvas can really be seen as great art if others could do it also. With situations like these it always seems right to believe that everything is art. Everything around us weather it is captured by a camera, sketched, or even painted it is some form of art that should be appreciated.      When talking about objectivity in the reading it really makes you think "Where would we be without pictures?". So much information and knowledge really does come form it and helps capture something that is then remembered and passed on through history. Documenting huge moments in history, famous sights, famous people, special memories and even animals helps a person know what they are seeing and learn about different things not only from different time periods but from different places in the world.  Without  photography a huge chunk of our knowledge and our history would be missing and not let humans technologically advance.   

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel

Prezi Presentation:

Above is a presentation and some basic information on the like of Coco Chanel. After her mother died when she was 12 her father sent her away because of this Chanel was taught by Nuns to sew which in the future would help lead her to her design career. Before Chanel became a timeless fashion designer she was first aspiring to become a singer. This is where her nickname "Coco" came from. It is said that she acquired it from one of the songs that she sang when preforming. At first Chanel only sold hats in her first shop but then when walking around in a dress that was self made someone asked if she could make one for them also and that is where the start of her career took off. To me Coco Chanel is avery inspirational person and has some of the best quotes that I have ever read. I am happy that I chose her for this project but at the same time I wish I would have gone out of my comfort zone and picked someone I knew nothing about. 

Parts of A Letter

Type evolved from handwriting which is created by making a series of marks by the hand. All of these simple marks are distinctively  different from one another to tell them apart. In typography they have many different technical terms like a serif and a bracket that help characterize each font from one another.The stroke width also comes affects what the font looks like. There are so many different fonts and characteristics of each of these fonts. Even if it is just the tiniest sari or line width. There are also different sets of curves and rounded edges. A example would be a capitol R and all the different ways the leg of the R can change. They have Old style, traditional, modern, slab serif, and sans serif. These are all different curves of different fonts and the style approaches that they take. There are also many technical terms for the different aspects of a letter like the cross bar of a uppercase A or an ascender of a lowercase d.